CEIP Maximiliano Gil Melián is a public teaching institution placed in the municipality of Tacoronte, in the north of Tenerife Island. Our educational offer includes preschool and Primary education. The school has approximately 238 students divided into two educative stages: Infant Education and Primary Education. The teaching staff consists of twenty people. There is also a caretaker and ten people who work in the kitchen, in the dining room and are responsible for cleaning.
We are firmly committed to the implementation of European projects with excellent results, providing the center with an improvement in linguistic competence in other languages, knowledge of other cultures, and the promotion of European identity.
In the Canary Islands, when we talk about the consequences of climate change, we must take into account the particular conditions that the Islands have, and that makes them especially sensitive. The alteration of the environmental habitats can lead to the loss of many species, given the high rate of ecological diversity and the marked zoning and delimitation of some ecosystems. This is the reason why we think it is necessary for the educational community to be aware of this problem, and this project is a great opportunity to observe, study and compare the effects of climate change in different places of the world.
The development of the project in our school will be in charge of a specific commission formed by teachers of the different stages (Infant and Primary) and with experience in European projects. The management team (headteacher, head of studies, and secretary) will be in charge of setting up this commission, and, if someone abandons it, the management team will choose another teacher from our school to substitute that person.
Our institution will bring its experience in the promotion of reading and radio school. We can say that Cultural Week celebrated around World Book Day (April 23rd ), is one of the identifying features of our school. Reading, books, and stories become protagonists of the life of the school for approximately one month. Our cultural week will contribute to the diffusion of this project Erasmus+, dedicating its topic to climate change, thus getting to educate students about the importance of knowing this important global problem.
We have a school radio and a school newspaper. These will be excellent communication channels through which we can transmit our results to the broader educational community and the world, so it is important to involve all students. During the last ten years, the school radio (Radio Maxi) has become one of the identifying features of our institution. All radio programs are entirely prepared by students in all aspects. Our school radio will contribute to the project’s dissemination through the regular development of the podcast on the development of the project
More info: http://www.colemaxi.com