The second short-term student mobility of our project took place in Tenerife, Spain, between 5-9 of May 2022, hosted by CEIP Maximiliano Gil Melián. Teachers and students from all schools of our partnership participated in the activities and meetings:

The activities concentrated mainly on organizing structured field trips to places of natural and cultural interest and designing on-site game-based activities for students and teachers. Our goal was to engage participants in activities that are focused on preserving and promoting the environmental and cultural heritage:

  • A workshop about “silbo Gomero” (Gomeran Whistle) was organized by local students in which participants were able to discover this very special language of the island of La Gomera that is associated with the characteristics of the island’s landscape
  • A workshop on local traditional games for students and teachers.
  • Game-based activities in the Forestal Park.
  • A guided tour of the Laurisilva forest in Aguagarcía, located in the municipality of Tacoronte. In this place, they were able to observe the characteristics of this type of forest typical of Macaronesia and its fauna.
  • A guided tour along the coast of the municipality of Tacoronte, where they observed the effects of climate change on the island and learned about its fauna and flora.
  • A guided tour in the city of La Laguna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The participants walked its historic centre and learned about the history and architecture of this important municipality of Tenerife.
  • A guided visit to the Teide volcano, the highest point in Spain. In the visitors’ information centre, they were able to observe and learn about the fauna and flora of the place.

All visiting students (20) and teachers (11) participated in all the activities alongside students (150) and teachers (15) from the local school. In total, about 200 people attended the activities.

Due to the travel restrictions and rules that were in place for the prevention of spreading COVID-19, we decided not to send the students to hosting families but to have them at the hotel along with their teachers. 

The main joint staff meeting took place at the school, where various aspects of the project and cooperation were discussed among the partners. Every partner presented the activities they had done so far, how many teachers and students were involved in them, the challenges they faced, and which activities they did not manage to complete. We discussed the forthcoming activities, rescheduling, and reordering where appropriate.

Thursday – 5th of May

  • The members were received at the hosting school by all the local students. They attended a special concert by the school choir. During the reception, they were received by the mayor of Tacoronte, who gave them a gift for each partner school.
  • During their visit to the school, they could see the facilities and projects. 6th-grade students accompanied the visitors and guided the tour. The visitors also were interviewed by the students on our school radio (Radio Maxi).
  • After lunch, they took a guided tour (Walking Tour) through the municipality of Puerto de la Cruz.

Friday – 6th of May

  • They attended an exhibition of silbo Gomero (Gomeran Whistle) made by the students. They were able to discover this very special language of the island of La Gomera that is associated with the characteristics of the island’s landscape.
  • Later, teachers and students participated in a demonstration of traditional games.
  • A meeting was held with the project coordinators in which various aspects related to the activities and mobilities of the project were discussed.
  • In the afternoon, they visited Forestal Park. This park is located in a protected natural área. In the park, the visitors carry out various activities related to nature.

Saturday – 7th of May

  • The entire group of teachers and students visited the Laurisilva forest in Aguagarcía, located in the municipality of Tacoronte. In this place, they were able to observe the characteristics of this type of forest typical of Macaronesia, as well as knowing the fauna of the place.
  • Later, they took a guided tour along the coast of the municipality of Tacoronte, where they observed the effects of climate change on the island, as well as learned about its fauna and flora.
  • They finished the day with a free afternoon in Puerto de la Cruz.

Sunday – 8th of May

  • Guided tour in the city of La Laguna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The visitors walked its historic centre and learned about the history and architecture of this important municipality of Tenerife.
  • They finished the day with a free afternoon in Puerto de la Cruz.

Monday – 9th of May

  • The whole group moved to the Teide volcano, the highest point in Spain. In the visitors’ information centre, they were able to observe and learn about the fauna and flora of the place.
  • In this natural setting, the participants received certificates of attendance.


All participants benefited from the implemented activities. Their participation improved relationships among everybody and increased their identification with this group project. Students worked in mixed groups during the workshops, the traditional games, and the outdoor activities, and they managed to communicate effectively with their peers. This procedure helped them acquire not only information about the environment and culture of Tenerife but also communication and teamwork skills, as well as boosting their creativity and self-confidence. The activities helped students value the cultural differences and similarities between the participating partners. Teachers had the chance to observe different methodologies and discuss with their colleagues on design and implementation of such activities.

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